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"10 Days for 10K”, Virtual Walk for Mental Fitness!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and to commemorate and raise funds for our mental health charities, during the last 10 days of May, Valle Monte League will be holding a "10 Days for 10K",  Virtual Walk for Mental Fitness from whenever and wherever you are!

Your registration donation of $50 will go directly our charities during this much needed time.

From May 22 to May 31, you choose when to walk, where to walk and how often to walk. There will be signage for you to use for photos and videos to chronicle your walk(s) and post your photos and videos to social media. #Vallemonteleague, #Milesformentalhealth, #mentalhealthawarenessmonth.

Prizes given away for various categories including a ‘maskerade’ for those wanting to wear decorative masks during their walks.  

Let’s have some fun! There will be prizes given away for various categories, including a ‘maskerade’ for those wanting to wear decorative masks during their walks.  Share with your family, your friends, (Social Distancing please) and register today (Register Link at the top right of the page under Logo.)

Want to raise more money?  Pledge pages are available through 99 Pledges for participants and those unable to participate but still want to donate may do so in the registration link.

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